Q: I think I qualify for reduced fare, now what?


Q: I think I qualify for reduced fare, now what?

A: To receive reduced fare you must have a reduced fare qualified ORCA card. Get your card at Kitsap Transit's Customer Service office located at the Bremerton Transportation Center. The card allows you to purchase and load reduced fare bus passes on your ORCA card and to ride routed bus service or the Local Foot Ferries or Fast Ferries for one half the cost of regular one way fares when paying from E-purse. If you are a senior or disabled card holder, you may also receive a reduced cash fare on other transit systems around the region.

You MUST provide proof of any one of the following conditions to receive the reduced fare ORCA card:

  • Medicare Card Holder
  • Senior - Age 65 or older with valid ID and completed Regional Reduced Fare Permit Application. 
  • Disability - One of the following forms of verification is necessary along with a completed Regional Reduced Fare Permit Application:
  1. Verification of receipt of Social Security Disability Benefits or Supplemental Security Income Benefits due to disability (Temporary)
  2. Certification by the Veteran's Administration at a 40% or greater disability level
  3. Valid Medicare card issued by the Social Security Administration (Temporary)
  4. Valid Regional ADA Paratransit Card
  5. Valid ADA Paratransit card from outside the region (Temporary)
  6. Persons without any of the above may still qualify if they have an obvious physical impairment and/or physician verification of disability.
  7. Currently enrolled by a Washington State Individual Educational Program (IEP) (Temporary)
  • Low Income - Has Department of Social & Health Services low-income status with qualifying family size.

For additional information please contact Kitsap Transit at 360-373-2877 or 1-800-501-7433.



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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE