Q: Can large groups use Kitsap Transit?


Q: Can large groups use Kitsap Transit?

A: Yes. Please notify Kitsap Transit seven days in advance when you have a group of ten or more riding on the bus or Foot Ferry. Advance notice allows us to make every effort to accommodate the largest number of riders safely. Call 1-800-501-7433 to notify us of your large group travel.

We can't guarantee that all members of the group will get a seat or be able to board the same vehicle, but we'll do our best to meet the needs of your group. When capacity on the bus or ferry will not safely accommodate both the individuals and the group waiting to board, preference is given to individual riders. This minimizes the number of missed connections and transit services impacted by the overload. Coast Guard regulations and the availability of children's life vests may require large groups catching the Foot Ferry to split up into two different trips.

Groups can make a single payment for the group with a check, purchase order (pre-approved),  ORCA card or each rider can deposit their fare into the fare box. Children under six ride free, but must be accompanied by at least one fare-paying adult per five children. If you are traveling with a large group of children, ask about youth reduced fare when you call to notify us of your trip.


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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE