Find More Riders

More Riders, Lower Fares!

Let us help you make the most of your vanpool.

Here are some tips to help you find riders for your vanpool, and in turn, lower each riders vanpool fare:

Contact your Kitsap Transit Vanpool Coordinator.  We can put “Riders Wanted” next to your vanpool on our website.   Let us help you find more riders.

Tell friends, family and co-workers how well your vanpool works for you.  Most vanpoolers found their van through someone they know.

Access thousands of commuters at your fingertips with www.RideshareOnline.com, the regional ridematch database.  It's free and you can use it from any computer with Internet access. Just create your ridematch record and get contact information for commuters in the database that may be able to join your vanpool. Your vanpool person of contact will already be registered in the database. Encourage other vanpool participants to also register—it could help provide different names.

Post “Riders Wanted” flyers around work, on your van or anywhere else you think potential riders might see them.  Contact us, we can send you one.

Your company’s Employee Transportation Coordinator or Human Resources Department can be very helpful in spreading the word about your vanpool. They also may know employees who are looking for a vanpool to join.

Modify your route.  Gaining more riders might be as easy as adding a pick-up point to your route or leaving at a different time. Run it by your group and, if you can, give it a shot. A good place to meet is at a park & ride lot.

Consider merging with another van.  Is there another van with a route similar to yours?  By merging you could gain riders and drivers!

Reasons to Use Kitsap Transit

No. 28

The Fast Ferries make a huge impact…

…amazed at how reliable and on time they are.

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Ways to Share


60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE