Smart Commuter Registration Rules

To register as a Smart Commuter in Kitsap Transit's Smart Commuter Program, you must regularly walk, bicycle, ride a bus, carpool*, vanpool* or commute by ferry as a foot passenger at least three days a week. To register, please complete this form.

Once registered, you will become eligible for a Guaranteed Ride Home in case of an emergency and will receive a Guaranteed Ride Home policy certificate.

*If you carpool or vanpool - Please use Kitsap Transit's Carpool and Vanpool Registration Applications to register as a Smart Commuter. Do not use this form. As a registered Smart Commuter, each member of your carpool or vanpool may be eligible for a Guaranteed Ride Home.

At all public park & ride lots, carpools exercising carpool privileges must clearly display a valid carpool permit and have at least two licensed people in the car at the time the car is parked.  There are no exceptions.  (Note: at some employer lots that are participating in Kitsap Transit's Smart Commuter program, the employer may allow their carpoolers to park in carpool spaces when they are driving alone.  This policy is NOT allowed at public park & ride lots.)

Click here for application

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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE