Gateway/Bainbridge Express ADA Accessible Schedule

Effective June 17, 2019

Weekday Schedule

AM Schedule by Stop
AM Schedule by Run
PM Schedule by Stop
PM Schedule by Run

Text Description of Route

AM Weekday Schedule by Stop

W = Served by a Worker/Driver bus, except on Columbus Day. This Worker/Driver bus will also depart the North Viking Transit Center at 5:19 am.

Gateway Fellowship Park & Ride

5:25a (W); 5:40a; 6:27a; 6:30a; 7:12a 

Hwy. 305 & Suquamish Way

5:32a (W); 5:48a; 6:32a; 6:35a; 7:21a

Arrive Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal

5:45a (W); 6:05a; 6:48a; 6:50a; 7:45a

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AM Weekday Schedule by Run

5:25a (W) to 5:45a (W)

Depart Gateway Fellowship Park & Ride at 5:25a (W); Hwy. 305 & Suquamish Way at 5:32a (W);  Arrive Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal at 5:45a (W);

5:40a to 6:05a

Depart Gateway Fellowship Park & Ride at 5:40a; Hwy. 305 & Suquamish Way at 5:48a;  Arrive Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal at 6:05a;

6:27a to 6:48a

Depart Gateway Fellowship Park & Ride at 6:27a; Hwy. 305 & Suquamish Way at 6:32a;  Arrive Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal at 6:48a;

6:30a to 6:50a

Depart Gateway Fellowship Park & Ride at 6:30a; Hwy. 305 & Suquamish Way at 6:35a;  Arrive Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal at 6:50a;

7:12a to 7:45a

Depart Gateway Fellowship Park & Ride at 7:12a; Hwy. 305 & Suquamish Way at 7:21a;  Arrive Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal at 7:45a;

PM Weekday Schedule by Stop

Depart Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal

4:27p; 5:22p; 6:22p;

Hwy. 305 & Suquamish Way

4:50p; 5:35p; 6:33p;

Arrive Gateway Fellowship Park & Ride

4:59p; 5:43p; 6:41p;

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PM Weekday Schedule by Run

4:27p to 4:59p

Depart Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal at 4:27p; Hwy. 305 & Suquamish Way at 4:50p; Arrive Gateway Fellowship Park & Ride at 4:59p;

5:22p to 5:43p

Depart Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal at 5:22p; Hwy. 305 & Suquamish Way at 5:35p; Arrive Gateway Fellowship Park & Ride at 5:43p;

6:22p to 6:41p

Depart Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal at 6:22p; Hwy. 305 & Suquamish Way at 6:33p; Arrive Gateway Fellowship Park & Ride at 6:41p;

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Text Description of Route

338 Outbound AM

Depart Gateway Fellowship Park & Ride

Left on Hostmark Street

Right on Highway 305

Onto Olympic Drive (use far left lane)

Left into Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal


338 Inbound PM

Depart Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal

Right on Highway 305

Left on Hostmark Street

Right into Gateway Fellowship Park & Ride

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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE