#265 - Silverdale Central

Service Times

Weekdays and Saturdays

Areas Served

Silverdale Transit Center, a small section of Myhre and Ridgetop Boulevard, a small section of Silverdale Way and Anderson Hill, Randall Way, Bucklin Hill and the Social Security office.


This bus will stop at marked stops. Buses will travel both directions on the loop: Passengers can catch a bus every half-hour from stops across the street from each other, or every hour from stops on the same side of the street.

Schedule Effective December 8, 2024


Route Map

#265 Schedule

Schedule Tips | Print Schedule | Snow Route | Holiday Schedule  

Monday – Friday

(North Loop)

(BAY 6) Silverdale Transit Center

Myhre at
Silverdale Way

Randall at Plaza Dr

Silverdale Way at Linder

(BAY 6) Silverdale Transit Center

8:30 8:33 8:38 8:41 8:50
9:30 9:34 9:38 9:42 9:50
10:30 10:35 10:39 10:43 10:50
11:30 11:35 11:39 11:43 11:50
12:30 12:35 12:39 12:43 12:50
1:30 1:35 1:39 1:43 1:50
2:30 2:35 2:41 2:44 2:53
3:30 3:35 3:41 3:44 3:53
4:30 4:34 4:40 4:44 4:53
5:30 5:34 5:39 5:43 5:52
6:30 6:34 6:38 6:42 6:50

Monday – Friday

(South Loop)

(BAY 6) Silverdale Transit Center

Silverdale Way at Linder

Randall at Plaza Dr

Myhre at
Silverdale Way

(BAY 6) Silverdale Transit Center

9:00 9:05 9:08 9:11 9:20
10:00 10:05 10:08 10:11 10:20
11:00 11:06 11:10 11:14 11:20
12:00 12:06 12:10 12:15 12:21
1:00 1:07 1:11 1:15 1:22
2:00 2:08 2:12 2:16 2:25
3:00 3:07 3:11 3:16 3:25
4:00 4:07 4:11 4:16 4:25
5:00 5:07 5:11 5:15 5:23
6:00 6:06 6:10 6:15 6:21
7:00 7:05 7:09 7:13 7:20


(North Loop)

(BAY 6) Silverdale Transit Center

Myhre at
Silverdale Way

Randall at Plaza Dr

Silverdale Way at Linder

(BAY 6) Silverdale Transit Center

8:30 8:33 8:38 8:41 8:50
9:30 9:34 9:38 9:42 9:50
10:30 10:35 10:39 10:43 10:50
11:30 11:35 11:39 11:43 11:50
12:30 12:35 12:39 12:43 12:50
1:30 1:35 1:39 1:43 1:50
2:30 2:35 2:40 2:43 2:52
3:30 3:35 3:40 3:43 3:52
4:30 4:34 4:40 4:43 4:52
5:30 5:34 5:39 5:43 5:52
6:30 6:34 6:38 6:42 6:50


(South Loop)

(BAY 6) Silverdale Transit Center

Silverdale Way at Linder

Randall at Plaza Dr

Myhre at
Silverdale Way

(BAY 6) Silverdale Transit Center

9:00 9:05 9:08 9:11 9:20
10:00 10:05 10:08 10:11 10:20
11:00 11:06 11:10 11:14 11:20
12:00 12:06 12:10 12:15 12:21
1:00 1:07 1:11 1:15 1:22
2:00 2:07 2:11 2:15 2:23
3:00 3:07 3:11 3:15 3:23
4:00 4:07 4:11 4:15 4:23
5:00 5:07 5:11 5:15 5:23
6:00 6:06 6:10 6:15 6:21


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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE