Smart Commuter Registration
To be a Smart Commuter in Kitsap Transit's Smart Commuter Program, you must regularly commute to work by walking, bicycling, riding a bus, carpooling, vanpooling or by riding the ferry as a foot passenger at least three days a week. You must also complete and submit a registration application. Once registered, and if your employer participates in Kitsap Transit's Guaranteed Ride Home program, you will become eligible for a Guaranteed Ride Home in case of an emergency. You will receive a Guaranteed Ride Home policy in the mail if you are eligible.
At all public park & ride lots, carpools exercising carpool privileges must clearly display a valid carpool permit and have at least two licensed people in the car at the time the car is parked. There are no exceptions. (Note: at some employer lots that are participating in Kitsap Transit's Smart Commuter program, the employer may allow their carpoolers to park in carpool spaces when they are driving alone. This policy is NOT allowed at public park & ride lots.)
Rules for Rideshare Vehicle Registration
Rules for Smart Commuting via walking, riding, bicycle or ferry
There are many ways to get a Smart Commuter registration application:
You can ask your Employee Transportation Coordinator for one.
You can request one via e-mail at rideshare@kitsaptransit.com.
You can request one by calling 360-373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE.
You can submit an application online here:
Carpool/Vanpool RENEWAL Application
Carpool Application for NEW Carpools
Vanpool Application for NEW Vanpools
Walk, Bike, Bus or Ferry Registration Application
You can download a PDF application.