Community Advisory Committee

About the Community Advisory Committee

The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) was created by the Kitsap Transit Board of Commissioners to advise the agency's senior management and directors. The CAC acts as (1) a sounding board for policies and plans; (2) provides a communication link between the residents of the service area and Kitsap Transit's Directors; and (3) recommends plans, policies and procedures to the Kitsap Transit Board of Commissioners. The CAC also promotes agency accountability.

Started in 1983, the CAC meets monthly to give input to the agency’s Transit Board and staff in a variety of areas, including:

  • The preferred balance between the various types of services the agency offers
  • Levels of use of various services
  • Quality of service
  • Service costs and fare-box return ratio
  • Public information and marketing programs

Citizen input is essential to the success of a transportation planning process. Since the general public is both the user and the financier of all transportation systems, we encourage the community to participate in identifying transportation issues and comment on potential alternatives.

The CAC strives to draw members representing the diverse geographic areas of Kitsap County: Bainbridge Island, Poulsbo, Kingston, Silverdale, East Bremerton, West Bremerton, Port Orchard, South Kitsap. The CAC also is designed to draw representation from distinct advocacy groups - Olympic College, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, and social-service agencies - as well as users of KT services, including ACCESS, Routed, Worker/Driver, local ferries, fast ferries and vanpool.

When new members are needed, they can apply or be nominated by an existing committee member. New members must then be approved by a majority of the Transit Board at a regular meeting before beginning full participation.

Kitsap Transit is now accepting applications for two-year terms starting in 2024: CLICK HERE TO APPLY

The committee meets on the last Thursday of every month from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Meetings are open to the public and are held at Kitsap Transit's Harborside location, 60 Washington Avenue (Second Floor Conference Room), Bremerton. 

Committee Members 

Name Representing
Patricia Bradley Silverdale
Robert Dollar Bremerton, West
Cindy Hare-Willis Peninsula Community Health
Maxwell Judd Ferry Rider, KT Cross Sound
James “JR” Kinnison Peninsula Council for the Blind
Tecla Legge North Kitsap
Ken Longcrier Port Orchard / WSF Commuter
Kelsey Murray South Kitsap
David Petterson Poulsbo
Daniel Walkup Bremerton, East
Susan Woolley Kitsap Mental Health

Reasons to Use Kitsap Transit

No. 24

The Foot Ferry!

Because I can't swim across Sinclair Inlet!

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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE
