Smart Commuter

Smart Commuting banner illustration showing people walking, biking, riding the bus, carpooling and a ferry

About the Smart Commuter Program

A Kitsap Transit Smart Commuter gets to work by alternative means (other than driving alone) at least three days each week. Examples include walking, biking, riding a bus or passenger-only ferry, carpooling or Vanpooling.

For additional information, see below or check out the video produced by BKAT TV to the right. ​ 

If you're looking for Smart Commuter resources, click here.  

How To Be A Smart Commuter from BKAT TV.

Smart Commute Options

Vanpool Vans and Riders Carpooling Kitsap Transit Route 212 in background with Blurry man in front. Kitsap Transit Ferries, with people boarding. Biking and walking to work. Image of man walking his bike.


Vanpools offer tremendous savings over commuting alonethe typical person saves more than $5,000 a year. Vanpooling is a great option for long-distance commutes of 15 miles or more. 


A carpool is simply two or more people sharing a ride to work. Since carpool partners generally split the cost of their commute, carpooling saves money while reducing harmful emissions. 


Riding the bus helps improve our community’s health, mobility and equality. Taking the bus over commuting alone helps reduces air pollution and road congestion. If you live in a rural area, consider using a nearby Park & Ride to catch a bus.  


Kitsap Tranist's passenger-only foot ferries can get you there in half the time. Our Fast Ferries connect Kingston, Bremerton and Southworth to downtown Seattle. Our local foot ferries offer service between Port Orchard and Bremerton, a great way to beat the Gorst traffic.  


Biking is an excellent option for people living within seven miles of their workplace. Click here to learn more about our biking options.

Walking might be the best option for those living less than three miles from their workplace.

Register to be a Smart Commuter - Vanpool Register to be a Smart Commuter - Carpooling Register to be a Smart Commuter - Bus Register to be a Smart Commuter - Ferry Register to be a Smart Commuter - Biking or Walking

Already registered and just need to renew your Carpool? CLICK HERE!

Smart Commuter Benefits

Image of cars windshield with an Uber and Lyft sticker. Image of a SCOOT Car - Image is a link to the SCOOT landing page Image of man pushing a loyalty program button with other illustrations circling.

Guaranteed Ride
Home Program

If you are a registered Smart Commuter, work or go to college in Kitsap County and took an alternative mode of transportation other than driving alone to work or campus or have commuted in a Kitsap Transit vanpool or Worker/Driver bus, you can get a Guaranteed Ride Home in the case of an emergency.


The mission of the SCOOT Program is to encourage commuters who work in targeted areas in Kitsap County to use alternatives to driving to work alone by offering a ‘smart option’ for personal errands. 

Smart Commuter Discount Program

We are working on partnering with local businesses to offer rewards and discounts to Smart Commuters. If you are a local business and are interested in partnering with us, please email Lindsay Kuiphoff at lindsayk@kitsaptransit.com.

Guaranteed Ride Home Program - Click Here to Learn More Button


Smart Commuter Resources

If you'd like to learn more about Smart Commuting or to see if you qualify, review the rules below.

Carpools and vanpools must register the vehicle they travel in and display a permit in the window of the vehicle. At all Park & Ride lots, where there are spaces reserved for Registered Rideshare Vehicles. Vehicles parked in these spaces must have a valid permit clearly displayed and have at least two licensed people in the vehicle at the time the vehicle is parked.

Reasons to Use Kitsap Transit

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ACCESS service is uniquely Kitsap…

… I feel very fortunate to have

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Rider Stories

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Helpful Videos

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Ways to Share


60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE