Carpool FAQs


Q: What is a carpool?

A: A carpool is two or more people sharing a ride to work. 

Q: Why should I carpool? What are the benefits?

A: There are lots of reasons to carpool! Carpooling saves money, reduces traffic congestion and reduces carbon emissions. When you carpool you have company on your trip to and from work, and many employers offer premium parking to carpoolers. 

Q: How does carpooling save me money?

A: Carpool partners generally share the cost of their commute. Carpoolers can trade driving weeks - you drive one week and leave your car in your garage the next, saving half of your fuel costs. Some carpoolers choose to have just one driver and their partners chip in for fuel. And the more people you have in your carpool, the cheaper your commute. 

Q: Will Kitsap Transit find me a carpool partner?

A: We will certainly help! We encourage commuters seeking a carpool partner to log into www.rideshareonline.org. The on-line service connects commuters with carpool partners or existing vanpools based on where they start and end their commute. Kitsap Transit also assists Kitsap County employers to encourage ridesharing among their employees. We help set up preferential carpool parking for employees and provide ride match assistance.


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