
Kitsap Transit is owned by the citizens of Kitsap County. Its operations are funded primarily with local sales tax revenue and passenger fares. Capital projects (expenditures for procuring or improving fleet and facilities) are largely funded with federal and state grants.  Local funds (sales tax revenue and fares) are required to supplement the capital project budget in order to meet grant-match requirements or fund projects that do not have grant funding.

Resolution No. 18-69, Adopting 2019 Budget

Resolution No. 19-28, 2019 Capital Budget Amendment

Resolution No. 19-100, Adopting 2020 Budget

Resolution No. 20-52, Adopting 2021 Budget

Resolution No. 21-44, 2021 Capital Budget Amendment

Resolution No. 21-67, Adopting 2022 Operating & Budgets

Resolution No. 22-76, Adopting 2023 Operating & Budgets

Reasons to Use Kitsap Transit

No. 28

The Fast Ferries make a huge impact…

…amazed at how reliable and on time they are.

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Rider Stories

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Helpful Videos

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Ways to Share


60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE
