Worker/Driver FAQs


Q: What is a Worker/Driver bus?

A: Worker/Driver buses are a unique Kitsap Transit program, started during World War II, to efficiently carry employees to the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNS). Buses serve both PSNS and SubBase Bangor today. The buses operate much like a large carpool. The driver boards their bus near their home in the morning and travels to work, picking up co-workers along the way. After work, they hop back in their bus with their co-workers and drop them off on their drive home. 

Q: Can anybody ride a Worker/Driver bus?

A: Buses are open to the general public, but riders must have security clearance to enter the military bases the buses travel to. On the way to work, buses will drop off passengers outside the base if they don't have access to enter. Many riders, for example, catch Worker/Driver buses to the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, get off the bus outside the gate and walk to the Washington State Ferry terminal to commute to Seattle.

Q: How can I get on board a Worker/Driver bus?

A: Call Kitsap Transit at 1.800.501.7433 or click here to look for a Worker/Driver bus route near you. Many of Kitsap Transit's Park & Ride lots are served by a Worker/Driver bus so even if there isn't one traveling past your house, you can meet a bus at a free park & ride lot in your area. Once you find a route that works for you, call 360.478.6222 and our program supervisor will put you in touch with the bus driver.


Q: What is the cost to ride a Worker/Driver bus?

A: As a federal employee eligible for the Federal Transportation Incentive Program (TIP) you ride any of Kitsap Transit's services free. If you are eligible, you can load a TIP pass onto an ORCA card for use on Worker/Driver buses and other public transit services. 

If you aren't a federal employee, the fare is $3 cash or ORCA card E-purse each way. A $97 monthly pass is also available loaded onto an ORCA card. There is no reduced-fare on Worker/Driver buses.


Q: Do Worker/Driver buses have bike racks?

A: Many do, because a rider aboard the bus requested it. If the Worker/Driver bus you ride doesn't have a bike rack, talk to your driver. If Kitsap Transit has an available rack, we may be able to add it to your route's bus. 


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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE