Ferries Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators  

The Performance Indicators dashboard, which will be updated monthly, provides a statistical snapshot of the fast-ferry program in the Overview tab and sailing-by-sailing details on the Bremerton and Kingston tabs. The dashboard answers common questions like these:

  • How many riders use the service? Is ridership growing?
  • What percentage of scheduled sailings are completed instead of being cancelled?
  • How often does the fast-ferry service depart on time?
  • How full is each sailing? How does it vary by direction or time of day?

The dashboard is an evolving product. Kitsap Transit welcomes feedback from users on ways to make it more relevant and insightful. Send feedback to Sanjay Bhatt, Public Information Officer, at sanjayb@kitsaptransit.com.

Reasons to Use Kitsap Transit

No. 28

The Fast Ferries make a huge impact…

…amazed at how reliable and on time they are.

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