Bremerton Fast Ferry ADA Accessible Schedule

Effective February 24, 2020

Weekday Schedule

Bremerton to Seattle Schedule by Stop
Seattle to Bremerton Schedule by Stop

Saturday Service (May through September only)

Approximate thirty minute crossing

W= Walk-ups only

Weekday Bremerton to Seattle Schedule by Stop

Depart Bremerton Ferry Dock

5:25a; 6:05a (W); 6:45a; 7:25a (W); 8:05a; 2:05p (W); 3:15p; 3:45p (W); 4:30p; 5:00p (W); 5:45p; 7:05p (W);

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Weekday Seattle to Bremerton Schedule by Stop

Depart Seattle Ferry Dock (Pier 52)

6:05a; 6:45a (W); 7:25a; 8:00a (W); 8:40a; 2:40p (W); 3:55p; 4:25p (W); 5:10p; 5:40p (W); 6:25p; 7:40p (W);

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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE