Olympic College ADA Accessible Schedule

Effective February 24, 2020

Weekday Schedule

Outbound Schedule by Stop
Inbound Schedule by Stop
Outbound Schedule by Run
Inbound Schedule by Run

Saturday Schedule

Outbound Schedule by Stop
Inbound Schedule by Stop
Outbound Schedule by Run
Inbound Schedule by Run

Text Description of Route

Outbound Weekday Schedule by Stop

(F) = Ferry-Take-Home buses will depart after the ferry arrives and passengers have loaded. Buses will drop passengers only along the route(s) indicated, at the bus stop nearest their home. There are some exceptions where routes overlap or there are no bus stops. Buses may deviate from the normal route to speed delivery of a passenger to a marked stop. Ferry-Take-Home buses do not make pickups after departing the BTC.

Bremerton Transportation Center

6:15a; 7:30a; 8:30a; 9:30a; 10:30a; 11:30a; 12:30p; 1:30p; 2:30p; 3:30p; 4:05p (F); 4:30p; 5:20p; 5:48p (F); 6:35p; 7:03p (F); 7:40p; 7:55p (F); 8:40p; 9:00p (F);

Broadway & Sixteenth

6:22a; 7:37a; 8:37a; 9:37a; 10:37a; 11:37a; 12:37p; 1:37p; 2:37p; 3:37p; 4:37p; 5:27p; 6:42p; 7:47p; 8:47p;

Nineteenth & Naval

6:27a; 7:42a; 8:42a; 9:42a; 10:42a; 11:42a; 12:42p; 1:42p; 2:42p; 3:42p; 4:42p; 5:32; 6:47p; 7:52p; 8:52p;

Fifteenth & Callow

6:33a; 7:48a; 8:48a; 9:48a; 10:48a; 11:48a; 12:48p; 1:48p; 2:48p; 3:48p; 4:48p; 5:38p; 6:53p; 7:58p; 8:56p;

West Bremerton Transit Center

6:40a; 8:00a; 9:00a; 10:00a; 11:00a; 12:00p; 1:00p; 2:00p; 3:00p; 4:00p; 5:00p; 6:00p; 7:05p; 8:10p; 9:05p;

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Inbound Weekday Schedule by Stop

(B) = Bus travels on Lafayette to Twenty-Sixth Street

West Bremerton Transit Center

5:42a (B); 6:35a (B); 8:00a; 9:00a; 10:00a; 11:00a; 12:00p; 1:00p; 2:00p; 3:00p; 4:00p; 5:00p; 6:00p; 7:05p; 8:10p;

Fifteenth & Callow

5:48a; 6:42a; 8:07a; 9:07a; 10:07a; 11:07a; 12:07p; 1:07p; 2:07p; 3:07p; 4:07p; 5:07p; 6:07p; 7:12p; 8:17p;

Nineteenth & Naval

5:56a; 6:52a; 8:12a; 9:12a; 10:12a; 11:12a; 12:12p; 1:12p; 2:12p; 3:12p; 4:12p; 5:12p; 6:12p; 7:17p; 8:22p;

Thirteenth & Lincoln

6:01a; 6:56a; 8:16a; 9:16a; 10:16a; 11:16a; 12:16p; 1:16p; 2:16p; 3:16p; 4:16p; 5:16p; 6:16p; 7:21p; 8:26p;

Bremerton Transportation Center

6:10a; 7:05a; 8:25a; 9:25a; 10:25a; 11:25a; 12:25p; 1:25p; 2:25p; 3:25p; 4:25p; 5:25p; 6:25p; 7:30p; 8:35p;

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Outbound Weekday Schedule by Run

6:15a to 6:40a

Bremerton Transportation Center at 6:15a; Broadway & Sixteenth at 6:22a; Nineteenth & Naval at 6:27a; Fifteenth & Callow at 6:33a; West Bremerton Transit Center at 6:40a;

7:30a to 8:00a

Bremerton Transportation Center at 7:30a; Broadway & Sixteenth at 7:37a; Nineteenth & Naval at 7:42a; Fifteenth & Callow at 7:48a; West Bremerton Transit Center at 8:00a;

8:30a to 9:00a

Bremerton Transportation Center at 8:30a; Broadway & Sixteenth at 8:37a; Nineteenth & Naval at 8:42a; Fifteenth & Callow at 8:48a; West Bremerton Transit Center at 9:00a;

9:30a to 10:00a

Bremerton Transportation Center at 9:30a; Broadway & Sixteenth at 9:37a; Nineteenth & Naval at 9:42a; Fifteenth & Callow at 9:48a; West Bremerton Transit Center at 10:00a;

10:30a to 11:00a

Bremerton Transportation Center at 10:30a; Broadway & Sixteenth at 10:37a; Nineteenth & Naval at 10:42a; Fifteenth & Callow at 10:48a; West Bremerton Transit Center at 11:00a;

11:30a to 12:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 11:30a; Broadway & Sixteenth at 11:37a; Nineteenth & Naval at 11:42a; Fifteenth & Callow at 11:48a; West Bremerton Transit Center at 12:00p;

12:30p to 1:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 12:30p; Broadway & Sixteenth at 12:37p; Nineteenth & Naval at 12:42p; Fifteenth & Callow at 12:48p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 1:00p;

1:30p to 2:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 1:30p; Broadway & Sixteenth at 1:37p; Nineteenth & Naval at 1:42p; Fifteenth & Callow at 1:48p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 2:00p;

2:30p to 3:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 2:30p; Broadway & Sixteenth at 2:37p; Nineteenth & Naval at 2:42p; Fifteenth & Callow at 2:48p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 3:00p;

3:30p to 4:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 3:30p; Broadway & Sixteenth at 3:37p; Nineteenth & Naval at 3:42p; Fifteenth & Callow at 3:48p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 4:00p;

4:05p Ferry Take Home

Bremerton Transportation Center at 4:05p operating as a Ferry Take Home. The bus will only be dropping off passengers boarding at the Bremerton Ferry Terminal.

4:30p to 5:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 4:30p;Broadway & Sixteenth at 4:37p; Nineteenth & Naval at 4:42p; Fifteenth & Callow at 4:48p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 5:00p;

5:20p to 6:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 5:20p; Broadway & Sixteenth at 5:27p; Nineteenth & Naval at 5:32p; Fifteenth & Callow at 5:38p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 6:00p;

5:48p Ferry Take Home

Bremerton Transportation Center at 5:48p operating as a Ferry Take Home. The bus will only be dropping off passengers boarding at the Bremerton Ferry Terminal.

6:35p to 7:05p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 6:35p; Broadway & Sixteenth at 6:42p; Nineteenth & Naval at 6:47p; Fifteenth & Callow at 6:53p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 7:05p;

7:03p Ferry Take Home

Bremerton Transportation Center at 7:03p operating as a Ferry Take Home. The bus will only be dropping off passengers boarding at the Bremerton Ferry Terminal.

7:40p to 8:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 7:40p; Broadway & Sixteenth at 7:47p; Nineteenth & Naval at 7:52p; Fifteenth & Callow at 7:58p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 8:10p;

7:55p Ferry Take Home

Bremerton Transportation Center at 7:55p operating as a Ferry Take Home. The bus will only be dropping off passengers boarding at the Bremerton Ferry Terminal.

8:40p to 9:05p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 8:40p; Broadway & Sixteenth at 8:47p; Nineteenth & Naval at 8:52p; Fifteenth & Callow at 8:56p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 9:05p;

9:00p Ferry Take Home

Bremerton Transportation Center at 9:00p operating as a Ferry Take Home. The bus will only be dropping off passengers boarding at the Bremerton Ferry Terminal.

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Inbound Weekday Schedule by Run

(B) = Bus travels on Lafayette to Twenty-Sixth Street

5:42a to 6:10a

West Bremerton Transit Center at 5:42a (B); Fifteenth & Callow at 5:48a; Nineteenth & Naval at 5:56a; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 6:01a; Bremerton Transportation Center at 6:10a;

6:35a to 7:05a

West Bremerton Transit Center at 6:35a (B); Fifteenth & Callow at 6:42a; Nineteenth & Naval at 6:52a; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 6:56a; Bremerton Transportation Center at 7:05a;

8:00a to 8:25a

West Bremerton Transit Center at 8:00a; Fifteenth & Callow at 8:07a; Nineteenth & Naval at 8:12a; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 8:16a; Bremerton Transportation Center at 8:25a;

9:00a to 9:25a

West Bremerton Transit Center at 9:00a; Fifteenth & Callow at 9:07a; Nineteenth & Naval at 9:12a; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 9:16a; Bremerton Transportation Center at 9:25a;

10:00a to 10:25a

West Bremerton TransitCenter at 10:00a; Fifteenth & Callow at 10:07a; Nineteenth & Naval at 10:12a; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 10:16a; Bremerton Transportation Center at 10:25a;

11:00a to 11:25a

West Bremerton Transit Center at 11:00a; Fifteenth & Callow at 11:07a; Nineteenth & Naval at 11:12a; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 11:16a; Bremerton Transportation Center at 11:25a;

12:00p to 12:25p;

West Bremerton Transit Center at 12:00p; Fifteenth & Callow at 12:07p; Nineteenth & Naval at 12:12p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 12:16p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 12:25p;

1:00p to 1:25p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 1:00p; Fifteenth & Callow at 1:07p; Nineteenth & Naval at 1:12p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 1:16p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 1:25p;

2:00p to 2:25p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 2:00p; Fifteenth & Callow at 2:07p; Nineteenth & Naval at 2:12p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 2:16p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 2:25p;

3:00p to 3:25p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 3:00p; Fifteenth & Callow at 3:07p; Nineteenth & Naval at 3:12p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 3:16p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 3:25p;

4:00p to 4:25p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 4:00p; Fifteenth & Callow at 4:07p; Nineteenth & Naval at 4:12p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 4:16p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 4:25p;

5:00p to 5:25p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 5:00p; Fifteenth & Callow at 5:07p; Nineteenth & Naval at 5:12p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 5:16p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 5:25p;

6:00p to 6:25p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 6:00p; Fifteenth & Callow at 6:07p; Nineteenth & Naval at 6:12p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 6:16p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 6:25p;

7:05p to 7:30p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 7:05p; Fifteenth & Callow at 7:12p; Nineteenth & Naval at 7:17p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 7:21p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 7:30p;

8:10p to 8:35p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 8:10p; Fifteenth & Callow at 8:17p; Nineteenth & Naval at 8:22p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 8:26p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 8:35p;

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Outbound Saturday Schedule by Stop

Bremerton Transportation Center

10:30a; 11:30a; 12:30p; 1:30p; 2:30p; 3:30p; 4:30p; 5:30p

Broadway & Sixteenth

10:37a; 11:37a; 12:37p; 1:37p; 2:37p; 3:37p; 4:37p; 5:37p;

Nineteenth & Naval

10:42a; 11:42a; 12:42p; 1:42p; 2:42p; 3:42p; 4:42p; 5:42;

Fifteenth & Callow

10:48a; 11:48a; 12:48p; 1:48p; 2:48p; 3:48p; 4:48p; 5:48p;

West Bremerton Transit Center

11:00a; 12:00p; 1:00p; 2:00p; 3:00p; 4:00p; 5:00p; 5:55p;

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Inbound Saturday Schedule by Stop

West Bremerton Transit Center

11:00a; 12:00p; 1:00p; 2:00p; 3:00p; 4:00p; 5:00p;

Fifteenth & Callow

11:07a; 12:07p; 1:07p; 2:07p; 3:07p; 4:07p; 5:07p;

Nineteenth & Naval

11:12a; 12:12p; 1:12p; 2:12p; 3:12p; 4:12p; 5:12p;

Thirteenth & Lincoln

11:16a; 12:16p; 1:16p; 2:16p; 3:16p; 4:16p; 5:16p;

Bremerton Transportation Center

11:25a; 12:25p; 1:25p; 2:25p; 3:25p; 4:25p; 5:25p;

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Outbound Saturday Schedule by Run

10:30a to 11:00a

Bremerton Transportation Center at 10:30a; Broadway & Sixteenth at 10:37a; Nineteenth & Naval at 10:42a; Fifteenth & Callow at 10:48a; West Bremerton Transit Center at 11:00a;

11:30a to 12:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 11:30a; Broadway & Sixteenth at 11:37a; Nineteenth & Naval at 11:42a; Fifteenth & Callow at 11:48a; West Bremerton Transit Center at 12:00p;

12:30p to 1:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 12:30p;Broadway & Sixteenth at 12:37p; Nineteenth & Naval at 12:42p; Fifteenth & Callow at 12:48p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 1:00p;

1:30p to 2:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 1:30p; Broadway & Sixteenth at 1:37p; Nineteenth & Naval at 1:42p; Fifteenth & Callow at 1:48p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 2:00;

2:30p to 3:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 2:30p; Broadway & Sixteenth at 2:37p; Nineteenth & Naval at 2:42p; Fifteenth & Callow at 2:48p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 3:00p;

3:30p to 4:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 3:30p;Broadway & Sixteenth at 3:37p; Nineteenth & Naval at 3:42p; Fifteenth & Callow at 3:48p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 4:00p;

4:30p to 5:00p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 4:30p; Broadway & Sixteenth at 4:37p; Nineteenth & Naval at 4:42p; Fifteenth & Callow at 4:48p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 5:00p;

5:30p to 5:55p

Bremerton Transportation Center at 5:30p; Broadway & Sixteenth at 5:37p; Nineteenth & Naval at 5:42p; Fifteenth & Callow at 5:48p; West Bremerton Transit Center at 5:55p;

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Inbound Saturday Schedule by Run

11:00a to 11:25a

West Bremerton Transit Center at 11:00a; Fifteenth & Callow at 11:07a; Nineteenth & Naval at 11:12a; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 11:16a; Bremerton Transportation Center at 11:25a;

12:00p to 12:25p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 12:00p; Fifteenth & Callow at 12:07p; Nineteenth & Naval at 12:12p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 12:16p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 12:25p;

1:00p to 1:25p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 1:00p; Fifteenth & Callow at 1:07p; Nineteenth & Naval at 1:12p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 1:16p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 1:25p;

2:00p to 2:25p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 2:00p; Fifteenth & Callow at 2:07p; Nineteenth & Naval at 2:12p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 2:16p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 2:25p;

3:00p to 3:25p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 3:00p; Fifteenth & Callow at 3:07p; Nineteenth & Naval at 3:12p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 3:16p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 3:25p;

4:00p to 4:25p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 4:00p; Fifteenth & Callow at 4:07p; Nineteenth & Naval at 4:12p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 4:16p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 4:25p;

5:00p to 5:25p

West Bremerton Transit Center at 5:00p; Fifteenth & Callow at 5:07p; Nineteenth & Naval at 5:12p; Thirteenth & Lincoln at 5:16p; Bremerton Transportation Center at 5:25p;

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Text Description of Route

24 Outbound

Depart Bremerton Transportation Center onto Washington Avenue
Left on Sixth Street
Right on Pacific Avenue
Left on Eleventh Street
Right on Warren Avenue
Left on Sixteenth Street
Left on Broadway Avenue
Right on Fifteenth Street
Left on Broadway Avenue
Right on Thirteenth Street
Right on High Avenue
Left on Fifteenth Street
Right on Naval Avenue
Left on Nineteenth Street
Right on Snyder Avenue
Left on Twenty-Fifth Street
Left on Wycoff Avenue
Jog right at Twenty-Fourth, remain on Wycoff Avenue
Left on Fifteenth Street
Right on Callow Avenue
Right on Eleventh Street
Right on Kitsap Way
Left on Auto Center Way
Right on Bruen Avenue
Left into West Bremerton Transit Center

24 Inbound

Depart West Bremerton Transit Center
Left on Auto Center Way
Right on Kitsap Way
Left on Eleventh Street
Left on Callow Avenue
Left on Fifteenth Street
Right on Wycoff Avenue
Jog right at Twenty-Fourth Street, remain on Wycoff Avenue
Right on Twenty-Fifth Street
Right on Snyder Avenue
Left on Nineteenth Street
Right on Naval Avenue
Left on Fifteenth Street
Right on High Avenue
Left on Thirteenth Street
Right on Warren Avenue
Left on Eleventh Street
Right on Pacific Avenue
Left on Sixth Street
Right on Washington
Right on Burwell
Left on Pacific Avenue
Right into Bremerton Transportation Center

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Reasons to Use Kitsap Transit

No. 24

The Foot Ferry!

Because I can't swim across Sinclair Inlet!

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Ways to Share


60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE