Southworth Ride Fast Ferry Commuter Service is an on-demand, shared-ride service that makes connections with the Southworth Fast Ferry. Call 1.844.475.7433 to book your ride. Check the status of your trip and the location of your bus with the Ride Pingo app.
Southworth Ride Fast Ferry Commuter Service Hours
Holidays Where can I go?Orchard Heights, Long Lake, several areas south of Highway 160 and east of SR 16 Highway down to Olalla. See the service area (in white) shown on the map. Catch the bus to connect with the Southworth Fast Ferry. The bus will take passengers directly to the Southworth Ferry terminal to make connections with Kitsap Transits Fast ferry to Downtown Seattle. When you call to schedule a ride, Kitsap Transit will tell you where to wait for the bus. The Pingo Ride app will only allow you to schedule a ride inside the service area. Vehicles will not travel down driveways or dead-end streets. ConnectionsSouthworth Ride Fast Ferry Commuter makes direct connections with the Southworth Fast Ferry during service hours but may connect with other services.
Snow RouteBuses will travel a modified service area when Snow and Extreme Weather events are activated unless service has been canceled or altered to Emergency Service. See the Snow & Extreme Weather Service Area Map to the right. Schedule Effective: June 12, 2023 |
Service Area MapThe bus will pick you up at the intersection nearest to your requested pick-up location. Our buses cannot navigate certain streets and will not travel down driveways or dead-end streets. Refer to map below for service area. Snow & Extreme Weather
How to RideCall to Schedule a RideCall 1.844.475.7433. Reservation lines are open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, seven days a week. Requests for this service must be made by 4:00 PM a day in advance. Depending on call volume, you may have to wait to speak to a representative. Use the Ride Pingo App
Click here to learn more about Ride Pingo. Who can ride?Southworth Ride is open to anyone. If you are making a reservation for more than one person, please notify the reservationist when you call or indicate the total number of passengers. Kitsap Transit will try its best to meet all requested trips but cannot guarantee seating for groups. |
How to Pay